Ideal interface between turntable to record
Edge Support METAL Stainless Turntable Sheet TS-SUS1 TS-SUS2
How a platter and a vinyl record disc are in touch has a big impact on the sound quality. No matter how sophisticated platter is made, some part of a vinyl
record disc is in touch and other is not, because a vinyl record disc is distorted to a certain degree, which is affected by oscillating of needle point and causes maddiness. Having said that, use of a sheet of soft material weakens the sound and doesn’ t resonate thoroughly. Thus we innovate the same concept of our headshell ‘Nelson Hold’ structure and let it hold a record tightly by outward path and the center. That is, these are METAL turntable sheet ‘TS-SUS1’ and ‘TS-SUS2’ of entirely new concept. Outward path is 3 mm higher than other parts, which holds a vinyl record disc, and light stabilizer holds the center.
The base material of TS-SUS1 is a two set of 1.5 mm thickness stainless plate, tucks damping material and thoroughly damps it. Plinth is supported by three point, and sound of plinth or sheet itself does not blend in with the play sound. TS-SUS2 is a model, which was focused on edge support and thoroughly reduced its weight. Because it minimized area of contact with a vinyl record disc, it does not ruin its vibrancy.
・You can expect the integrated improvements of the sound quality such as improvement on resolution, expanded amount of information, reduce of incidental sound, improvement on S/N ratio and tangent.
TS-SUS1/SUS2 Construction
Disk side
The part corresponding to the outermost part (silent part) of the disc is 3 mm higher, and the disc is supposed to be supported only at the outer periphery. By minimizing the contact point and making it the outermost circumference part, the mechanical earth of the disk becomes reliable and the influence of circumferential warpage can be reduced.
Platter side
If incomplete contact points as described above exist between platter and turntable sheet, there is no point. 3x 5mm brass balls are buried in the platter side, and it supports 3 points of point contact to obtain a reliable mechanical ground and minimize the influence of platter.
When using TS – SUS 1&2 with records, at the first moment, you will be surprised with a small amount of accompanying sound and better S/N ratio. Compared to Felt and Rubber turntable sheets, the amount of sound information by TS-SUS 1&2 is increased. The transient is improved. Turbidity of the sound is gone. Spatial expression is greatly improved. You should listen to all of your records to discover the nuances of the music you have never experienced before.
SUS1 turntable sheet
Material: SUS304 stainless steel
SUS2 turntable sheet
Material: SUS304 stainless steel
Weight: 390g

SUS-1 Instruction Manual